Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 10 Purple polka dots


Day 10 Purple polka dots
Louise Hay affirmation:  “My understanding is clear, and I am willing to change with the times. I am safe.” (affirmation in support of the feet)

Inspiration exercise from 365 Daily Creativity Journal:  Use only water as your medium/inspiration.

Media:  Acrylic paint drops (purple polka dots), magazine photo of pearls in a shell- born of water and a grain of sand.  

Time:   45M

Comments:   Was driving home today from work, and a specific trucking company name popped into my head as I pulled onto the Interstate.  A few minutes later, I saw a truck with that very name on the highway.  Got me thinking about the concept of manifestation and how some say that the mind has the power to manifest in the physical world.  Went back and forth mentally about coincidence vs. manifestation.  Decided to ask Spirit to show me a clear and blatant sign that it was with me, rather than mere coincidence, in the form of the most random and improbable thing I might see on the highway driving home: purple polka dots.  I asked that I would see it before I arrived home.  Kept my eyes open all the way home and saw lots of purple signs and polka dot signs on cars, billboards and  buildings... but no purple polka dots together.  I’d all but given up and decided the trucking company sighting was coincidence when I pulled up to the mailbox in front of my house.  Looked down and saw that I had a small pocket-sized calendar in my armrest that had purple polka dots!  I’d completely forgotten it was there. 
I laughed and said aloud, “Ok, thanks.  There you are.”  Score one for manifestation.   

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