Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 23 Chaotic balance


Louise Hay affirmation:   “I take in life in perfect balance.” (lungs)

Day 23 Chaotic balance
Inspiration exercise from 365 Daily Creativity Journal:  Waste not. Dig in a recycling bin for all of today’s materials.

Media:  Mailing envelope, running men cut out of drawing paper and colored with Sharpie, woven Smartfood snack bag and Ghiradelli brownie mix box, Strathmore watercolor paper pad cover, liquid glue pen, double sided tape 

Time:   1H:40M

Comments:  My attempt at depicting a lung on the right side of this collage seems to be more a statement about respiratory allergies this time of year in north Texas.  Used leaves as a motif for lung cutouts.  The white envelope was from a stack of vendor invoices I got in the mail at work.  The brownie box from a weekend treat I baked at home. The Smartfood bag from my attempt to stay alert at work when the afternoon lull started to kick in and I still had an hour long training video to watch.  Resurrected the running men from the recycle bin after another collage idea went bust earlier in the week.  

This one seems a little chaotic to me.  Maybe that's a statement in itself on the possibility of "perfect balance" in life?  

Link for more info:

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